Exploring Love In Crazy Times.
I'm sitting in my garden, having finally moved home, which is amazing. There's building work going on in my house, which isn't amazing, but it soon will be. Lately, I’m finding that so much change is happening in and around me. It feels like something is going on in the stratospheres of the universe, creating massive change. I feel like we're being invited to come back into the essence of our true being somewhere. There's also a lot of tragedy for a lot of people too.
I thought it would be interesting to explore how I'm managing in these mad times; I’ve been reading the astrology and it's bonkers! The thing that's most impactful for me at the moment is standing in nature and feeling the expanse of space and beauty around me—the shapes of the clouds, the smells of the flowers; it’s a sense-based experience of just being. I find myself standing there with tears streaming down my face, just being hugely grateful and feeling that nature makes me feel like love is all around me.
Hengistbury Head - Dorset
Or sometimes I’ll receive a message on my phone, a beautiful message from someone, thanking or acknowledging something. It's just a reminder of how much love is there. Love is all around us all the time. We just need to be quiet enough to find, see, experience, and allow it into the essence of our being. I've said before that when we can stabilize our nervous systems and feel centred, we can absorb and feel nourished by the love that's actually around us in existence.
If you can, get out in nature. Whether you can be near a tree and hug it or just look up at the sky, it doesn't matter where you are. Just look up at the sky. The clouds are moving, the shapes are changing. Everything is amazing. We just don't spend enough time quiet enough to notice and just to be here and be there and allow.
As I write this I'm preparing to go to London, and I haven't been for a while. I'm starting our first hybrid course, being in person with people again, and teaching in person again. I'm excited. It feels like the beginning of another new way. It'll be interesting to be in a different environment:
“Can I still look up at the sky, find a tree, look at a flower, or just look at another soul, another human being, and feel that connection and remember that love is available to all of us at all times? ”
We don't even have to be in physical presence. Close your eyes, feel the energy of someone else's heart, feel the energy of your heart, and you're together. It's beautiful, it's magnificent.
Special Yoga at work
So, find nature, do what you need to do, and keep yourself open so that love can pour through. Love is the only way we're ever going to heal. More and more love and it's all there. That's what's so amazing. Love is there, love is all around us. So, what can we do to just feel it, enjoy it, appreciate it, and feel held by it too? I feel incredibly held at the moment, just by allowing that love through. And it's there for all of us.
Stay connected, breathe, feel your feet, feel the air on your skin, watch the clouds move, watch the leaves move in the wind. Whatever it is, just stay connected and breathe. It's all around us.
- Jyoti Manuel