Feel passionately about changing the lives of those with special needs?

We have over twenty years experience in training for parents, teachers, healthcare professionals & yoga teachers.

Our practices are:

Transformational - Start changing lives. Our courses equip you with the skills to create positive change for children and adults with special needs.

Adaptable - Implement accessible practices that fit seamlessly into various settings, including homes, schools, healthcare facilities, and communities.

Simple - no prior experience of yoga is needed and anyone can share them after the training.

Start your journey today, become a catalyst for change and unlock the potential of those with special needs to thrive.

Which conditions can it be adapted for?

Our first course Special Yoga for Special Children was designed for those wishing to share practices with children with any physical, emotional or neurological condition - whether formally diagnosed or not. With this course you can also opt to take an extension for a deeper look at practices and adaptations for Cerebral Palsy and PMLD

Over the years we have continued the original course and added specific courses which focus solely on Autism & ADHD and Adults with Disabilities and Autism.

I’m so busy - how can training work for me?

Each of our courses have a start and end date - how you get from one to the other is up to you.

Flexible - Fit learning into your busy schedule with our pre-recorded course content.

Optional - Attend live interactive webinars and study groups led by Jyoti and our advanced practitioners. Gain additional support and ask questions for further insight - or watch webinar recordings when the time is right for you.

Yoga Teacher Tory shares Special Yoga in action.

Mum Charlie talks about yoga with her son

Headteacher Gail talks about yoga at her school

Where can I use Special Yoga?

The short answer is ‘anywhere’ - yoga isn’t just something you do on a yoga mat.
Our practitioners are parents, occupational therapists, yoga teachers, mainstream and SEND teaching staff, speech & language therapists, carers…we could go on.

What difference could Special Yoga make to you? Read what they said after training with us.

What is Special Yoga?

If you’re thinking lycra and pretzels think again, it’s a lot more than just postures and anyone can do it.

The Special Yoga methodology has been developed and practised for over twenty years; in that time Jyoti says she has “never yet met a child who hasn’t benefitted from yoga at some level”.

Special Yoga includes postures breathwork, mindfulness, relaxation, sound & rhythm, massage & energy and more and it can be done by anyone. In the videos below Jyoti explains the benefits of some of our key practises and you can see students using them.