Special Yoga for Special Needs

Level Two: Advanced Practitioner

Starting 15th March

The journey to self love is the journey of a life time that brings you to a greater freedom, greater ease and a more joyful life.  

Join this life-changing course

which has been designed to offer you an amazing combination of science, spirituality, emotional clearing, and practice all weaved into the beauty and wisdom of the philosophy of yoga.  And some of Jyoti’s favourite teachers are sharing their knowledge, wisdom and skills.   

And of course you will get Jyoti AND Christine Godwin.  Their combined years of experience add up to almost a century. 

You will come away with a significantly larger tool box, more awareness and presence to use it well, wiser, more connected, and of course much more self loving which as we know is the greatest impact we can have on others. 

“Its quite possibly the only yoga training course that is focussed on love from a very human and authentic place.” - Jyoti Manuel

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Course Content Preview

Continue to develop an understanding of yourself and develop and nourish self love.

13 Live Webinars

These webinars will not only inspire you and teach you new pathways of practice and self love, but will also connect you with your fellow students that perhaps are not part of your study group.  Each webinar is designed with a led practice that is relational to the theme of the webinar and from there there the magic will unfold.

7 Recorded Webinars

Some of the webinars are now pre-recorded so you can listen to them in your own time.  These will include Somatics, Reflexology,  Meditation, the Magic of Fascia, the Sensory System, Trauma and Pranayama.   We will open a forum for any questions that might arise from these programmes within the study groups and on the community platform.

7 Live Study Groups

As you know from previously studying with us, the study groups are a phenomenal way of building a supportive and loving community within your peer group. You always learn from each other (as we also do from you).  Each study group will be themed appropriately to the course journey.

1 Assignment

The assignment will be given you to when the course starts and there will be specific date for delivery to your study group leader.  It will invite you to explore your inner experiences which we have found to be very helpful and supportive on your journey.

PLUS - These Amazing Bonuses!!!

FREE access to the Special Yoga Resource Library of practices from across our Foundation & L1 Courses. Over 200 videos for you to watch before, during and for six months after the course to support your learning.

FREE access to the complete course - the library, all L2 pre-recorded and live webinar recordings for 6 months post course PLUS an invitation to join the regular senior and advanced practitioner community practise webinars for FREE

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Special Yoga for Special Needs
Level Two
Advanced Practitioner Training

Lead teachers Jyoti and Christine talk about the course

The Live Webinars

Saturday 15 March 10am-1pm
Pathways to Self Love and mindful practice with Jyoti and Christine

We will open this course with  a ceremony, a ceremony that honours our hearts intention for our journey into deeper self love.  We will mindfully and lovingly take this time to practice, nurture, meet our fellow travellers, and take a deeper dive into our inner landscape with tenderness, kindness and compassion. We will open with a discussion around humility and the power of prayer.

Saturday 29 March 10am-1pm
Yoga Nidra with Christine Godwin

Christine is not only passionate about the potential of transformation that yoga nidra offers, but having studied, practiced and taught Nidra for over a decade, she has a deep wisdom and knowledge of the practice.  Yoga Nidra has so many benefits physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.  Within this course we particularly focus on the creative aspect of the practice of Yoga Nidra to give you a thread or intention to support your journey through the course. You can use this practice to explore and transform your inner landscape, working through your inner resistances and pushing through to different realms within your being. 

Saturday 12 April 10am-1pm
Non violent communication/healing our inner child with Jyoti

We have explored a very compassionate approach to Marshall Rosenberg’s renowned programme of Non Violent Communication. 
NVC is the integration of consciousness, language, and healthy communication.    Our words can contribute to deeper connection or greater distance,  and we can learn how to communicate our needs with kindness and clarity and find solutions that serve everyone. We  will explore how our inner responses guide what we say and how our words and reactions will often relate to our inner child.  This webinar will both be thought provoking and experiential and offer another approach to the journey to love. 

Saturday 3 May 10am-1pm
Supporting and Cleansing your Energy with Jyoti

For the first time Jyoti will be teaching a module on clearing and cleansing our energy.  For many many years she has been asked how she is able to hold herself when in ‘challenging’ sessions, how she manages not to feel completely exhausted at the end of a day of sharing yoga, and how to not carry other peoples energy.  Over many years of practice Jyoti has cultivated and learned and practiced in many different ways and has learned with many gifted teachers.  She will share all the different ways she has learned to work with her inner energy and her auric field so that you are able to learn how to hold yourself differently, and to be more discerning around understanding your energy and energetic and emotional field.  

Saturday 17 May 10am-1pm
Sequencing with Jyoti

The skill of sequencing comes from an understanding of how energy flows and how to identify, understand and work effectively with the energy of the person you are with.  Why and how you put different movements together has a huge capacity to create balance and healing. As you deepen your capacity to listen to energy as it moves through your body as you practice, you develop a deeper understanding of the value of each posture and how to practice them to bring a deeper balance in the energetic and physical form.   Each posture can offer a different energetic benefit according to how it is approached.  learn to adapt sequences for the class in front of you.  

Saturday 14 June 2pm - 5pm (please note this is an afternoon webinar)
Breath Body Mind with Drs Brown & Gerbarg

These doctors hold a deep wisdom, knowledge and grace.  Jyoti is not only happy to be working with them but feels very blessed to call Dr Brown one of her teachers.  His knowledge and wisdom is phenomenal and it’s never ending.  His story takes him from an aikido master as a child to travelling for many years through India and Asia in the inner circle with Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar of Art of Living Yoga. He will share with us a very unique fusion of ancient and modern mind-body techniques derived from QiGong, yoga, Christian monks, Coherent Breathing, Open Focus Attention Training, meditation, and martial arts.  He and his wife Dr Gerbarg will share their neurophysiological theory of the effects of yoga breathing on the mind and body, particularly its benefits in anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).  You will come out with more skills, and a much deeper understanding of the body mind connection. 

Saturday 12 July 10am-1pm
The Sensory System with Dr Nicole Schnackenburg

Nicole is a child educational psychologist, yoga therapist and Special Yoga practitioner and has been working with Jyoti for many years.  She offers a very generous, kind, wise approach to understanding our sensory system and then to be able to recognise sensory behaviours and how to help them in the children and adults we work with.  

It feels like such an important addition to Special yoga and it will open your eyes to a deeper inner understanding both of yourself and those you work with. This is wisdom that has the potential to change the way we see and behave in the world. 

Saturday 6 September 10am-1pm
Freeing your Voice with Sharda Ten Hove and Jyoti

Your voice is not just an instrument of sound, but an essential part of your identity, emotions, and spiritual journey. This connection can lead to profound growth, self-acceptance, and a greater appreciation for the power of expression.  

Sharda is an old friend of Jyoti’s who grew up with mantras and shares with passion and grace. She will invite you to explore the power and value of Mantra in a way to deepen your understanding of yourself and also connection with the energies that the mantras offer.

Jyoti will guide you to sharing your voice with your fellow travellers which can help to overcome fear and lead to a more profound connection and trust.

Saturday 27 September 10am-1pm
Yoga philosophy through the framework of love with Jyoti

This webinar promises to be a rich exploration of how the spiritual teachings of yoga can deepen our experience of love. By engaging with these concepts, you can cultivate a more profound sense of connection, both to self and to the world around you.  

Having been introduced to the Bhagavad Gita in the late 70’s, Jyoti has been delving into the philosophy of yoga since then.  Part of this journey led her to be the co-author of "The Spiritual Teachings of Yoga.”  She is also an ongoing student in spiritual science,  and is equally passionate about the Light of Love. This webinar will delve into the intertwining of yoga's beautiful spiritual teachings with the concept of love, exploring how these elements enhance our understanding of ourselves and our relationships.

Practise Webinars

At this stage of the course you will have been introduced to advanced practices in addition to some incredible new tools. In these practise webinars we will explore how these combine with and enhance the Special Yoga methodology and how they might be used to deepen your personal practice. They will provide the opportunity to practise together and for you to ask any questions which have arisen for you.

Practise Webinars will be held on :

Saturday 11th October 10am - 1pm with Jyoti

Saturday 1st November 10am -12pm with Jo Avison on Fascia

Saturday15th November 10am - 12pm with Alice Maclaine on Meditation

Saturday 29th November 10am-1pm
Closing Ceremony with Jyoti

With a led practice that nourishes the body heart and soul and soothes the mind and emotions that so often arise at the end of a course, we will be open to come together in ceremony again,  witnessing and deeply honouring the journey that each one of us has taken.   
It will be a time for celebration, for revisiting our intentions going forwards with our hearts and souls missions. 

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The Pre-Recorded Webinars

Understanding Pranayama with Jyoti & Christine

Pranayama is often identified as breath but in fact it is the witnessing of our vital energy. It’s in the witnessing that we come to a deeper awareness of how to harness and support our vital life force.   This workshop will guide you into deeper practices of the breath as a gateway to enhancing and understanding vital energy and our capacity for self understanding and love.

Reflexology with Christine Godwin

While we are not teaching you to be reflexologists, we are excited to share some reflex points and areas that we have found to be really helpful to stimulate balance, support the body systems and create a deeper connection to the body.  Christine is a neural reflexologist and has a depth of wisdom and knowledge to share.  This is a great addition to your Special Yoga tool box. 

Fascia with Jo Avison

Joanne, a successful author, has a great gift of interweaving her story with her deep understanding of fascia and how it interweaves into the whole of our existence. You will learn how very important the fascia is to understanding anatomy and movement since it is the universal tissue of relationship between all our parts. Fascia could be described as the fabric of our form, although it is much more than that. It literally joins every single part of us together, from the finest level of detail within us, between the cells, to the outermost layer of the skin in which we are wrapped. 
She will also explain the embryonic relationship with have with our fascia and offer practices that balance and restore the nervous system and connection to ourselves.  She is an absolute joy to listen to and learn from. 

Trauma with Jyoti & Jodie Spiers

There are specific traumas that are prevalent within the different populations that we might work with that invite us to engage differently with each one to support the healing process.  We will cover medicalised trauma, social trauma, birth trauma, and autism trauma. 
For each we will look at how it might present and offer some understanding, tools and support to reducing the impact of the trauma experienced. It’s so helpful to have this level of understanding alongside the tools to use. 

Meditation with Alice Maclaine

A very experienced meditator and long time Special Yoga teacher, Alice will guide four different meditation practices for you to explore and practice with.  Each will have a different focus for the mind to enable a stiller experience of being with more clarity and connection.   This will help you to determine the optimum practice for you at different times in your life. 

The Nervous System  with Dr Nicole Schnackenburg

Nicole has a beautiful wise way of systematically and accessibly unpicking the workings of the nervous system, covering both the science, and an experiential understanding of your own nervous system. She will give you an overview of the autonomic nervous system, its links with the polyvagal theory and the window of tolerance, a pathway to map nervous system responses,  AND tools for nervous system regulation.  

Somatics with Kathryn Jackman

A long time teacher at Special yoga, Karuna has been sharing Somatics with the populations that we will be working with. She will share her knowledge of the way that somatic movement exercises capture the brain's neuroplasticity, its power to change and learn thus reawakening the brain's ability to relax muscles.  And you will be guided through a series of movements that have proven useful for the children and adults to repattern new movements, improve posture and release chronic tension. Hanna Somatic Movement re-educates the nervous system using sensory information to gain greater voluntary control over muscles and the body.  Another great tool to add to your every growing Special Yoga tool box. 

I love this course…..

I have been been seeking freedom, wisdom, connection, love, and spiritual truth all my life. As a teacher and spiritual guide, I am here to serve others by helping them find their path, cultivate self-love, and find meaning and peace in their life experiences.  This course is so rich and nourishing.  It holds you, invites you to open up more deeply, to meet new parts of you that might be been hidden away, and more than anything it will support you to love you more. I love watching the transformation, and I think we all transform together.

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What Others Have Experienced

  • I have absolutely loved the whole journey on the level 2 course. I have learned so much about myself and really grown as an individual. The SY community has been so supportive and nurturing. I have loved the variety of teachers and wide selection topics. I feel so confident and empowered, living with a much deeper awareness of everything around me and with me. - Laura

  • This course will open up your spiritual practice, your mind and soul to allow you to fully embody the Special Yoga practises and share them authentically with the children - I would definitely recommend this inspiring and transformative course! - Abianne

  • This was one of my favourite trainings ever. It is so well thought out, the guest tutors are all leaders in their own fields and the information I learned has really benefitted my classes. On a personal note, I felt supported by the amazing circle of women in my study group,
    This course is not just about Special Yoga, it’s about your own personal development and how you’re showing up. I would highly recommend. - Anna

  • I feel I am a more beautiful human after completing the most beautiful course… it delved into my soul, reigniting and reconnecting me with what is truly important. As a group we have all shared and enjoyed invaluable lessons and guidance for our work and our lives ahead. - Hannah

Start Your New Life

Whilst everyone is on their own unique journey the feedback that comes at the end of this transformational course is that everyone feels more powerful and loving in their being and infinitely more effective, useful and loving in their work and their home life, and in fact all their relationships.

The journey to self-love is a profound and transformative experience that enriches not only you,  but also the fabric of our communities. It leads to a more powerful, loving, and meaningful life, fostering connections that transcend the individual experience. By embracing self-love, we not only enhance our own lives but also play a vital role in creating a more compassionate and loving world for everyone. In this shared journey, we find strength, purpose, and fulfillment, ultimately leading to a brighter and more harmonious existence for you and for all around you. 

This could be you!
Are you ready to transform your life?

Follow These Three Life Changing Steps

Join This Course

Students have said that this course was the best decision that they ever made.  Why? Because this course changed their lives.  It changed the way they feel every morning when they wake up, it changed the way they live their lives.  It will literally change you from the inside out. 

Commit To Your Success

You matter so why not take the leap and commit to becoming the best version of you, for yourself, for the children and adults you work with, for your friends, your family and the wider community.  The best investment you will ever make is in yourself. 

Live Your Best Life

Why would you not want to be living your best life?   

It’s not a selfish choice - its a choice we make for ourselves knowing that as we change our energetic vibration, everyone else benefits.  
We are only here for a limited time so let’s make the very best of it.  

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Three months from now this could be you

  • SYSC2 online completely opened my world.

    I now share ideas and practices with people living in Canada, Mexico, Russia, Switzerland, Spain as well as all over the UK and Ireland. I have a brilliant thriving community who I can reach out to. - Barbara

  • SYSC2 exceeded all expectations and I gained more than I could have ever imagined.

    I have never loved, understood and supported myself more than I do right now. These practices support the children that I work with, the adults who work with them and myself to be in a regulated state. - Jaz

  • I love Special Yoga, it's changed my life.

    I discovered SY through a short module to support my own children and my work in SEN. But what I actually found was so much more than I could ever have imagined. After just two days I knew I had found my tribe. - Sally

The Key To Your Future Begins Here

As you can see I LOVE this course.  A deeper dive in the philosophy of yoga, sharing some of the wonderful practices which have sustained me through my many years being of service, introducing teachers I have so much respect for and supporting a community of practitioners dedicated to self development to better support themselves and others.
There is, however a lot of information here, so if it would help to have a call with me to make sure you feel confident to sign up then book a call now - I’ll look forward to talking with you.

Love and blessings - Jyoti