Loving our shadow back into service.
I am currently on a big journey around mindset abundance and vulnerability.
One of the things that I realize as I start to watch my mind is that we've all got these corners, these pockets of the mind where it sabotages us and that prevents us from really standing in our full light and our full power.
It takes a huge amount of courage and vulnerability, to even go and meet these pockets, to go and touch them, to go and say hello to them, to acknowledge they're even there.
Recently the pockets that that have been coming up for me have been shame. So I’ve begun to explore what shame is. At some level i believe we're all carrying aspects of shame, and it is such a difficult emotion to sit with because it's excruciating. It really is excruciatingly painful. What's extraordinary is that when I've sat with some of those excruciating moments, which I've done many times in the last few weeks, afterwards i’ve had this sense of ‘ah, it's okay’, freedom.
And that reconnection to a deeper part of my own heart where I've honored myself and I can meet those pieces in my humanness, in my messiness, in my existence, and said, "Thank you for showing me you're there, but I don't need you to sabotage me anymore. I can love you back to life."
“Loving myself back to life is what I’ve been doing recently. I’m taking those difficult places in me and loving them back to life.”
So how do we do that? I think the way is to be truly authentic and honest with ourselves about where these difficult places are and how they affect us. Be willing to sit with the pain, however difficult it is. There's something beautiful in that pain because it's raw, real, and true. When we acknowledge it, we don't need to drown in it. We can meet it and turn it into our friend. Then, somehow, life feels easier.
Life isn't easy for most people right now. Things are shifting and changing, and we don't know where we are. People are struggling on all sorts of levels. Yet, when we can sit inside and meet those challenging pieces of ourselves, we feel more solid and less thrown around by the winds of change, insecurity, and instability.
“There’s something beautiful in pain because it’s raw, real, and true. ”
The one thing that remains constant is our connection to ourselves and something greater than us, whether it's the Divine or the universe. In those two places, we can hold ourselves deeply when we're feeling shame, discomfort, or pain. It's okay. We can love ourselves back to life and know that we're all children of the universe with the universal energy supporting us completely.
It's about surrendering and leaning into that energy. The more we lean into it, the easier it becomes to sit with uncomfortable feelings, and that's where transformation lies. We can then authentically change our mindset and allow ourselves to embrace all the goodness the Universe has to offer without the limitations holding us back.
Often, manifestation doesn't work because we want things but don't feel worthy of them. When we start to touch those pockets of shame and discomfort and meet them with love, connection, and something greater than us, we realize we're bigger than that. Things can change, and we can live life more authentically and abundantly.
I'm not talking about just material abundance, but abundance in expression, feeling, love, joy, peace, and all the qualities we truly want. Maybe money comes as well, but maybe it doesn't. The driving force of abundance for me is the ability to serve, live my heart's mission, live in my truth, be authentic, joyful, and have some fun along the way. You never know what adventures might arise!
I'm sending you all much love and blessings. Invite yourself to sit with those little corners of darkness and see if you can meet them with a bit more love and care. Love yourself back to life, love all those difficult places back to life.