Special Yoga
in Schools
Practices for the whole classroom. Calm teachers are effective teachers.
Take care of yourself, calm your classroom and re-ignite your passion as a teacher.
Compassion is the basis for Special Yoga’s work in schools; compassion for yourself and the challenges you face and compassion for the children and their response to a continually uncertain world.
Special Yoga training gives you simple, accessible, adaptable, and effective techniques to calm children.
Used 1:1 or class-wide Special Yoga practices create an optimal learning space that nurtures and supports everyone in it. (Including the adults)
No previous yoga experience necessary.
Special Yoga’s body, breath and mindfulness practices can be taught by anybody,
and are suitable for all bodies.
Benefits Of Special Yoga For Children & Adults
Yoga isn’t just about improving flexibility - although it can certainly help to do that!
When we teach the practices of Special Yoga you’ll learn movement, breathwork, singing and sound, massage and energy, relaxation, mindfulness, working with the feet and self care. Together these practices have many benefits - physical, emotional and phycological. Here are just some of the benefits available to those with a regular practice:
Mental and emotional resilience
Strength, coordination and flexibility
Quantity and quality of sleep
Attention and concentration
Digestive health
Manage emotional trauma
Relationships and communication
Reduction in physical pain
Special Yoga In Education
We know all schools are different so we offer a flexible approach to suit your situation.
You can send one or several teachers on our regular courses (scroll down for our foundation training programmes) or contact us for a conversation about a more tailored approach. This usually involves a combination of live webinars plus written and recorded video materials. It may also include practitioner visits to your school to help embed the practices.
An SY practitioner visits your school teaching 1:1, groups or a whole class. Usually booked for a whole term.
Practitioner Outreach
Bespoke Twilight Or INSET
A programme modelled for your requirements, run as a series of twilights or INSET day.
Whole-School Programme
We create a programme for you and support delivery across the school.
Multi-School Programme
A programme designed for selected schools within an Academy Trust or Local Authority area.

Testimonials from practitioners in schools
“This has deepened my knowledge and enhanced my practice in working with children in mainstream schools with Autism and ADHD.”
“Completing the Special Yoga course changed my relationship with yoga, the way I teach in my class and even my relationship with my pupils. We have built a beautiful connection through practising Yoga together. Bringing the things that I've learned to my classroom has given me beautiful moments, and seeing my pupils make incredible progress not only physically but emotionally“
“A highlight of this course has been realising how my own personal practice has changed my classroom environment.”
Equip yourself with tools to support every child, irrespective of their diagnosis. Learn about various conditions and the remedial techniques and contraindications for each. We teach how and when certain practices should be adapted for different situations. Make a difference in your school for the children, your colleagues and yourself.
Special Yoga for Special Children Foundation Course
Whatever the diagnosis, this course gives you the skills to support the challenges and behaviours in the classroom for children and staff. On completion, you’ll have a solid understanding of the full range of conditions and be able to provide care to all of them, however neurodivergence presents.
Special Yoga & Mindfulness for Autism and ADHD
Special Yoga for Cerebral Palsy and PMLD
This training will help the children in your care find emotional peace and ease in their bodies. We’ll teach you how to create communication pathways to manage fear and anxiety while reducing physical pain. Exploring diagnoses from quadriplegic CP to hemiplegia and looking at the challenges each one brings.