Having Faith In Faith
I’ve been thinking a lot about how our state of being affects our world. I've been blown away by what I perceive to be miracles in my life and family recently. There are things I never thought would happen, or at least I didn't believe they would happen as quickly as they did.
I had to let go of trying to figure out how things would happen. As soon as I go into that place of "how," I put myself back in control, trying to make things happen instead of allowing them to unfold naturally.
Faith gives us the trust to say that things can change and miracles can happen, even though we don't have to be in charge. There's something soothing about letting go of control. I've always been the driver, the lioness for my children, the leader of Special Yoga, and so on.
But as I surrender more and more into a faith that says, "When you do God's work and truly focus on your work," things shift and change.
I was reading somewhere the other day that one of the wonderful Buddhist teachers said that our words and thoughts are real. They may be real, but are they true? I thought that was interesting because we can't deny our thoughts; they're real for us in the moment. But do we choose to believe them or not?
When we can genuinely reframe our beliefs and go into the depths of love, especially self-love, our whole energy field changes. It's not easy, but it's a work in progress. And the more I do it, the more I see the external impact of my thoughts, beliefs, and actions. Then I can see how valuable it is, and it stays with me.
I'm currently taking a course to develop my spiritual side.
One of the things they were talking about the other day was addictions to God.
I thought, "Oh, that's interesting." I've got so many addictions – scrolling, certain behavior patterns, and tendencies that become addictive in a weird way.
Actually, what I really want to do is spend my time more dedicated to faith and trust. When I truly trust, amazing things can happen. I feel strongly that the more we let go of trying to control everything, the better.
Obviously, we have to act; we can't just sit back and do nothing. But we act with more mindfulness, less charged emotions, and more faith and trust. We can still be fierce lionesses and guard our children, but we do it with a different kind of love and drive behind us.
That drive comes from a filled-up space inside us. When we have faith and a sense of trust, it fills us up, and then we want to be giving from our overflow instead of functioning from an empty space.
So, what fills us up? What resources us?
I'm resourced by Mother Nature, the craziness of getting in the sea every morning, even when it's freezing. I'm resourced by my trust, my faith, people I can talk to about these things, and my dog, who just sits next to me and loves me unconditionally.
I thought, "Oh, that's very simple and very lovely, isn't it?"
So, what are you resourced by? What are we all resourced by that allows us to feel full enough so that when we're giving, we're giving from our overflow instead of from an empty space? And can we cultivate that trust that we are all taken care of somehow?
That's where I'm sitting today. Love to you all. Thank you very much for listening to me. See what happens when you start to think about your thoughts being real but perhaps not true. When you start to think about what resources you draw from deeply inside, and what we really need to be able to fill ourselves up and have faith. Have faith that there's something greater than us and that we don't have to do it all. We're held, and everything we need is somehow provided for. I don't know how it happens, but miracles can happen.
One of my friends said to me the other day, "You spread love with fairy dust." And i thought, "Oh, that's nice." So, let's sprinkle ourselves with the fairy dust of love and faith and trust that it is all how it's meant to be, and that we're all okay. Much love to everybody.
Watch Jyoti’s Thoughtful Moments below.