May there be peace.
It's a bit of a mad moment in my life right now. And I've been feeling the experience of living and witnessing the level of hatred and division in the world, as part of the war in the Middle East. The fear rises, and we see the poverty lines and divide between the rich and poor getting greater. Something really is wrong.
People have been talking for years about how light and love will overcome the darkness, and the darkness will eventually fall away. But in the meantime, there is so much suffering.
I think it's important to hold our hearts and not engage with the hatred and anger that arises from injustice; It is unjust, there's no question about it. But if we don't hold the light and instead get caught up in the fear, we can't do anything useful.
On a much more micro level, I've been noticing how the inner war of the mind takes me over. All the woundings of my childhood create patterns of behavior and thoughts where I don't feel good enough or met.
Learning to reparent myself and sit with what's underneath in those moments of not feeling good enough, feeling excluded or not loved, is the only journey I know to take to bring a deeper love for myself.
And when I do that, I find that I can be less judgmental around others. Because judgment is just my fear. I think judgment is fear. Judgment says, "I'm not good enough, so I'm going to judge you because I'm judging me."
All that self-hatred is just a mirror
on a much smaller scale of what's going on out there in the world. We create that divide, don't we?
I think it all has to start with us. The way we can break down that divide is to really work towards loving ourselves, befriending ourselves, and learning how to be our best friend.
Learning how to not judge ourselves, to be kind to ourselves, and to cultivate a real strong sense of love and light is the only way forward.
Perhaps if more of us stepped into that journey and really observed when the hatred, judgments, and unkind feelings arise, and then came back to be more present, more here, and more loving and kinder to ourselves, the energy field we put out would change.
And the only way forward for change is through that.
There is no other way. We can't change externally and be authentic if we haven't changed internally.
If we want less hatred in the world, we have to have less hatred towards parts of ourselves that we don't like or that feel uncomfortable. Most hatred is directed at others when we feel hurt by them because our needs aren't being met.
So just keep doing the work, keep cultivating that presence of kindness to self. Just notice and feel that little person inside you saying, "I'm not okay." And sit there and say, "Okay, let's soothe you. Let's be here with you. Let's hold you. And let's learn how to love you and show you that you're loved more than anything."
It doesn't mean that we don't judge or that we don't have those feelings of insecurity. But it does mean that when they arise, we can meet them with more kindness. And hopefully over time, as we meet them with more kindness, they'll stay for less time and we can be of service not only to ourselves but to the rest of the world.
So keep shining your light, everybody. Keep doing your work. Keep going underneath and seeing what's going on.
Love to you all. May there be peace on this mad Earth that we're living on at this time.
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