Yoga, Meditation, Doing, Not Doing And Simply Being.
While away in the Deven countryside, I had a strong insight about all the ‘doing’ i’ve been doing. I'm currently trying hard to balance my life at the moment with the combination of doing, not doing, and being. And I realized that all the doing has made my shoulders tight. We march through life, and I’ve been wondering whether there's a way we can learn to do without having to have our hearts protected.
As I dropped my shoulders and softened them, this morning in meditation, I felt this weight off my heart lift. I realised that so often I’m not aware of how I experience life. Our bodies, our breath, these are an essential markers for how we really are, and for the honesty we need to find within us to be truly present. It's so important to learn how to be present. I still have lots to learn about presence. It's a continuing journey of being here and being present. This kind of ability to be present allows us to listen.
We had an amazing workshop on our Special Yoga For Special Children Level Two program the other day with Nicole Schnackenberg about the nervous system. She talked about the different pathways to our Windows Of Tolerance and how some people need noise to settle while others need quiet. We all need to find our Windows, these are where we are in our strongest balance. In regards to the balance of doing and not doing, some of us might need to do more, some less.
In the meditation group I was with this morning, some people were clearly comfortable with stillness, while I need to move quite a bit. So that was interesting, and when I've moved, I can settle more. Bringing a judgement free awareness, of where we are at any given time, allows us to be kinder, more compassionate, and more honest. I think that's really what the world needs—more kindness, more honesty, more compassion.
Clearly, the world's a bit of a mess at the moment, to say the least. We can all play our part, not tighten our hearts, not to forget to listen if we run around trying to do more than our capacity, and also not to remain inactive; which may be focussing on holding and sending peace.
I'm focussing on listening at the moment
listening to what arises in me and how I can be kinder both to myself and perhaps to the world around me. It’s this listening, the experience with my tight shoulders that showed me that I wasn't so peaceful or at least not as peaceful as I'd like to be, and is another reminder to listen.
It's distressing and disturbing to see such an imbalanced world, with so much unnecessary pain, killing, and awfulness going on. But we can hold and keep sending peace. The more we can connect to our inner being, the more we can know what that is because we can feel it.
I wish you all peace, connection, and I wish the world peace. Have a beautiful day.
Watch the live video below.