Special Yoga for Special Children 091124 Aberdeen

Sale Price:£79.20 every month for 5 months Original Price:£123.75 every month for 5 months

A Special Yoga foundation training will give you the tools to bring the children in your care to a space of calm, promoting learning, healing and joy.

This Special Yoga for Special Children course provides you with the knowledge and techniques to support children with a diverse range of additional needs. On completion, you’ll be confident to assist children with diagnoses of autism, cerebral palsy, PMLD and down syndrome, in addition to complex needs and anxiety disorders, and to guide groups or 1:1 in holistic practices to foster their physical, emotional and mental well-being.

*Offer ends 31st August

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A Special Yoga foundation training will give you the tools to bring the children in your care to a space of calm, promoting learning, healing and joy.

This Special Yoga for Special Children course provides you with the knowledge and techniques to support children with a diverse range of additional needs. On completion, you’ll be confident to assist children with diagnoses of autism, cerebral palsy, PMLD and down syndrome, in addition to complex needs and anxiety disorders, and to guide groups or 1:1 in holistic practices to foster their physical, emotional and mental well-being.

*Offer ends 31st August

A Special Yoga foundation training will give you the tools to bring the children in your care to a space of calm, promoting learning, healing and joy.

This Special Yoga for Special Children course provides you with the knowledge and techniques to support children with a diverse range of additional needs. On completion, you’ll be confident to assist children with diagnoses of autism, cerebral palsy, PMLD and down syndrome, in addition to complex needs and anxiety disorders, and to guide groups or 1:1 in holistic practices to foster their physical, emotional and mental well-being.

*Offer ends 31st August

Course Structure & Timetable

The course will be taught over three days of In Person training, two live webinars and two study support sessions plus access to a video resource library and a written course manual.

The In Person training takes place on Friday, Saturday & Sunday 15th, 16th & 17th  November 9.30am - 5.00pm in a supportive learning environment at Orchard Brae School, Howes Road, Aberdeen, AB16 7RW

The pre-course webinar is on Saturday 9th November 2pm - 4pm. Date for final webinar TBC

At the In Person training you’ll be allocated a study group and teacher and will agree dates for two study support sessions.

Practices included are: Special Yoga Precepts and Self Learning, Pranayama - Breathwork, Asana - Postures, Sound and Rhythm, Relaxation, Mindfulness, Massage and Energy, Working in Groups and Working with Adolescence

Sharing the Practices: when you have graduated the course you will be able to adapt the practices to any condition or diagnosis including Autism Spectrum Disorders, Aspergers, ADHD, Cerebral Palsy, Hemiplegia, PMLD and Down Syndrome.

The content of the course is designed to support parents, those working in education, healthcare and the community.

The investment of your time and money in a Special Yoga course is repaid through the benefits you’ll see with the children but is also a great addition to your CV. Some of our parent graduates who joined the course to share yoga with their children go on to become Special Yoga practitioners sharing with other groups of children or offering one to one sessions. 

If you are sharing Special Yoga as a job you will need have insurance and we work with a company who recognise the value of our training. They will require a copy of your course certificate which demonstrates that you have passed your assignments and have had 40 hours of training. 

How are the forty hours made up?

  • In Person Training Days

Most of the forty hours are those you’ll experience on your In Person training days.

Please note this time cannot be made up if you aren’t able to attend and stay for each day in full.

  • Webinars before and after the In Person Training

In this course there are two webinars, both of which teach aspects of Special Yoga suited to online learning.

The pre-in person webinar introduced you to your teachers and fellow students and you’ll get access to the Special Yoga methodology and precepts.

The post-in person webinar will focus on Mindfulness practices and how to adapt and share them with different populations.

We can't imagine why you'd not want to be there for the remaining webinars but we know that sometimes life get's in the way. If you can't attend you will need to watch the recording as it's part of the forty hours.

  • Study Support Sessions

On this course there are two study support sessions each of which has an assignment for you to work on with your smaller study group. Students often feedback that they find this one of the most useful parts of the course.

These sessions are not recorded as we find the conversation really flows when the camera is off! If you aren't able to attend one week then you'll be asked to liaise with a fellow student to discuss what happened, to reflect on the study group assignment yourself and submit a brief report to your study group leader with your reflections.

  • Assignments

In the course schedule you'll find a number of personal assignments for you to do. When completed they'll be submitted to your study group leader who will give you one to one feedback.

  • Self Practise and Embodying the Practices

Being a Special Yoga practitioner means you will work from the heart. This is not only a result of our teachings but also as a result of the work you do day to day to practise self care and compassion.
In the Resource Library you will find practices to support those you learned on your in person days. Our Heart Meditation, Grounding Yoga Practice and Coherent Breathing are key but be lead by your own instincts daily as to what will best serve you.
Time has been set aside within the forty hours for your daily practice and we trust you will honour this.

So that's the forty hours.

The Small Print

Course Refund and Transfer

Our refund and transfer policy was available to view on our website prior to a student making a booking. They are as follows:


If you have booked onto a Special Yoga course you will not be eligible for a refund unless it has been cancelled by us.

If you have signed up to a payment plan you are reminded that when purchasing you have agreed to continue to make those payments until the full amount of the course fee is paid.

Transfers - after course start

If you have already started the course and, for whatever reason you wish to transfer to a later course you will still be responsible for full payment of the first course.

Please write to info@specialyoga.co.uk with your transfer request.
If agreed you will be eligible to join the subsequent course at half price.
You will be sent a discount code along with a booking link for the subsequent course.