Special Yoga for Special Needs

Level One: Senior Practitioner

Continue your Special Yoga journey and expand your skills, foster greater harmony, and uncover a more fulfilling path in both your teaching and your life.

Starts 27th September

Since graduating from a foundation course are you feeling more deeply the call to be of service to those with Special Needs?
Are you finding that while sharing Special Yoga you're also realising the importance of your own self-regulation?
Perhaps you've noticed how much more effective you are when you feel balanced and centred, and how this directly influences the child or adult in front of you, helping them co-regulate with you.

If you're seeking to better understand this dynamic, deepen your personal practice, and expand your repertoire of tools, this course is for you. It’s designed to address the challenges of staying regulated in demanding situations, equip you with advanced techniques to handle diverse needs, and help you serve with greater confidence, resilience, and impact.

Join this life-changing course

Are you a graduate of a Special Yoga foundation training? Do you have an abiding wish to help children and/or adults with special needs to thrive? Are you curious about how a combination of a deeper personal practice and more advanced tools & techniques can support you to serve?

Special Yoga for Special Children Senior Practitioner Level One is Your Opportunity


Special Yoga for Special Needs Level One
Senior Practitioner Training

Continue to develop a Special Yoga practice with advanced tools and a deeper understanding of yourself.

You can’t afford to miss this senior practitioner journey

Start With A Refresher

Whether you started your journey with Special Yoga months ago or years ago we’ve got it covered!
The course starts with a refresher of the key elements of the methodology plus a selection of those ‘must-do’ practices from the Special Yoga foundation courses and which we advise you to revise before the start of the course.

Build On Your Foundation

On your foundation course you were introduced to foundational levels practices of Pranayama, Asana, Singing and Sound, Massage and Energy and Mindfulness. Having embodied and employed these, you are now ready to be introduced to a more advanced level. You’ll practise each yourself to embody and understand how and when they are best used.

Discover New Tools

Alongside the disciplines you’ve been using, you’ll be discovering more tools to add to your repertoire and it starts with an understanding of Polyvagal Theory. From here you’ll be introduced to Yoga Nidra, Relaxation and Restorative Yoga and as you learn to regulate your thoughts, emotions and actions you are better able to support those in your care to do the same.

Deepen Your Personal Practice

Time and again when running our courses we witness personal transformation - people come looking for ways to support others and come away having found a lifelong habit of self care. A training which is '“the most life changing that I have experienced, real heart centred yoga in it’s purest and most authentic form. I will forever be grateful” - Emily

Adapt To The Situation

As you deepen your personal practice and your understanding and use of Special Yoga, your ability to authentically translate your learning to serve more diverse populations and abilities will grow. At this Advanced Level you’ll learn how to be completely adaptable to working with all conditions and be ready to support babies and adults.  

Expand Your Reach

Towards the end of the course you’ll have the opportunity to learn how to develop, brand and market your business. We know it isn’t in everyone’s life plan to run a business so this module is optional. If you do take the plunge expect to come away with a business and marketing plan and to have been introduced to cost effective tools to bring it all to life.

On This Course:

5 Live Webinars

Begins on Saturday 27th September 2.00pm - 4.30pm then 2.00pm - 4.00pm 25/10, 22/11, 13/12/25 ending 17/1/26

4 Live Study Groups

Study Groups are arranged during the first webinar and will be held during the weeks commencing 12/10, 9/11, 7/12/25 and 11/1/26

3 Assignments

The assignments will be given you to when the course starts and there will be specific dates for delivery to your study group leader. 

PLUS - These Amazing Bonuses!!!

FREE access to the 30 Day ‘Building Resilience’ Challenge -
daily meditation, movement, energy & affirmation practices sent to your inbox to support your wellbeing.

FREE access to the Special Yoga Resource Library of practices from across our four Foundation Courses. Over 150 videos for you to watch before, during and for three months after the course to support your learning.

For 3 months post course keep access for FREE - the resource library, all L1 video lessons and webinar recordings PLUS while you train join the regular senior and advanced practitioner community practise webinars for FREE

Meet Your Teachers

  • Jyoti Manuel


    With decades of expertise, Jyoti Jo Manuel is recognized as a leading authority in therapeutic yoga for children. Her yoga journey began in 1974, and she has been teaching since 1989.

    In 2002, Jyoti founded Special Yoga, a global organization dedicated to creating sustainable, accessible yoga programs for children with special needs. Her work spans education, therapy, and home settings, with programs implemented in orphanages, social care, schools, and healthcare systems worldwide.

    As founder and spiritual head of Special Yoga, Jyoti has trained senior practitioners to deliver impactful programs to local councils, academies, and special schools, advancing therapeutic yoga for children with additional needs.

  • Christine Godwin


    Christine is one of our longest serving Advanced Practitioners / Teachers with extensive experience both in supporting her beautiful child Jacob, who has down syndrome, and other children and adults with special needs. With heartfelt commitment Christine supports the organisation in a variety of ways including both the senior and advanced practitioner programmes.

  • Tory Campbell


    Based in Belfast, Tory is our Northern Ireland Special Yoga lead. Working with adults with learning disabilities and autism since 2008, she joined Special Yoga in 2015. Tory has experience sharing yoga with children and adults across a range of additional needs.

    Passionate about making yoga accessible, Tory meets each person where they are, supporting them to reach their potential. She is especially drawn to 1:1 work with individuals with complex needs. Tory also enjoys offering family sessions, fostering shared experiences that support regular home practice, and loves sharing chair and mat yoga with adults with learning disabilities.

What Others Have Experienced

  • A course with Special Yoga will touch your heart and change your life. Completing this course will give you all the skills you need to confidently share Yoga with special children and at the same time bring an awareness of the value of practising self-compassion. - Rebekah

  • On this course I learnt so much about myself, I gained a huge insight into being an authentic learner that gave my personal practice a huge shift, and really changing my interaction and teachings with others. This course has given me so much confidence in myself to be in the best place with students I work with. - Laura

  • This course has opened my mind, it let me see our values and others', to equalise everyone, to see everybody has a right to shine and to comprehend that if we understand Special Yoga as it is, our little seeds and small actions can make big changes. Everyone is special and this course let me see it. - Cristina

  • The 'Special Yoga for Special Children Advanced Level One' course at Special Yoga has enriched my practice. It comes highly recommended for professionals and relatives who seek understanding and knowledge about the nervous system, self-regulation, and strategies through therapeutic yoga. - Anne

Start Your New Life

Everyone comes to this Level One course with their own unique experience as a Special Yoga practitioner. The diversity within each cohort—their personal growth through applying the methodology since their foundation training and the varied contexts in which they teach—enriches the learning environment with valuable insights and perspectives. Yet, one thing remains constant: the transformative impact of the Senior Practitioner course. Participants emerge with a renewed sense of inner strength and emotional balance, becoming more effective in their work, more present in their home lives, and more deeply connected in their relationships.

The journey to self-regulation goes beyond personal growth; it’s about developing the skills to navigate life with clarity and resilience. These tools empower us to overcome challenges, communicate with greater purpose, and nurture healthier, more meaningful connections. Together, we lay the groundwork for a more harmonious and supportive world, benefiting not just ourselves but everyone we influence.

This could be you!
Are you ready to transform your life?

Follow These Three Life Changing Steps

Join This Course

Students have said that joining a Special Yoga course was the best decision that they ever made.  Why? Because it changed their lives.
It changed the way they feel every morning when they wake, it changed how they live.  It will literally change you from the inside out. 

Commit To Your Success

You matter so why not take the leap and commit to becoming the best version of you - for yourself, for the children and adults you work with, for your friends, your family and the wider community.  The best investment you will ever make is in yourself. 

Live Your Best Life

Why would you not want to be living your best life?   

It’s not a selfish choice - its a choice we make for ourselves knowing that as we change our energetic vibration, everyone else benefits.  
We are only here for a limited time so let’s make the very best of it.  

The Key To Your Future Begins Here

One of the things I get so much pleasure from is seeing foundation students take their next step on the Special Yoga path.
Seeing the personal development, the deepening of your practice and how you emerge with an inner strength, emotional balance and readiness to serve is truly amazing.
As you can see I LOVE this course.  However there is a lot of information here, if it would help to have a call with me to make sure you feel confident to sign up then please book one here.